Video index
1. Call to Order; Determine a Quorum is Present, Pledge of Allegiance
2. The City Council Shall Meet in Executive Session to Discuss the Following
3. Reconvene into Regular Session
4. Citizens to be Heard
5. Possible Action on Issues Discussed in Executive Session If Necessary
6. Presentations
7. City Manager's Report
8. Announcements by the Mayor and Council Members
9. Consent Agenda
10. Regular Agenda
11. Requests from Members of City Council to Add Items to Future Agendas
Mar 04, 2025 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order; Determine a Quorum is Present, Pledge of Allegiance
2. The City Council Shall Meet in Executive Session to Discuss the Following
3. Reconvene into Regular Session
4. Citizens to be Heard
5. Possible Action on Issues Discussed in Executive Session If Necessary
6. Presentations
7. City Manager's Report
8. Announcements by the Mayor and Council Members
9. Consent Agenda
10. Regular Agenda
11. Requests from Members of City Council to Add Items to Future Agendas
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